Thursday, December 01, 2011

Christmas at Dakota House 2011

We had a great Thanksgiving at Dakota House, complete with a pre-dinner football game, smoked turkeys, homemade mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie, and the chance for every person at our long table to share something for which they are thankful.

I am particularly thankful for all of our supporters and volunteers who consistently give from their hearts with their finances, time, and talent.

Now it’s time to turn our attention to Christmas. Every year we have a Christmas party that starts at our family home with pizza, cookies, and singing carols; after all that we move the party to Dakota House where the kids open their gifts. For many of them these are the only Christmas gifts they will receive.

We like to give each child a shoebox full of stocking-type gifts, and a main gift. To accomplish this, we need your help.

Please click on the Shoebox Christmas Project link on the right that gives you all the information you need to put a box together. This is a good way to get kids involved with giving to others; I have had many parents tell me their children not only had fun, but also learned something about how it feels to give with nothing expected in return.

Another way you can help bring Christmas to our Dakota House kids is by sending us a Target gift card, which we can use to buy the kids’ main gifts.

We need the shoeboxes and the cards no later than December 16th.

Please call 559-230-1622 and speak to Emily to set up a delivery time for shoeboxes.

Gift cards may be mailed to:

Dakota House

203 W. Dakota

Fresno CA 93705

Thank you for partnering with us to love these kids into believing that God’s promises for their lives are a possibility.


Jamie Barker