Camping Trip
For three days our Dakota House kids had the joy of just being kids--free from the worries and fears of their every day lives. They jumped off a rock into the creek, went hiking, ate great food, did artwork, had campfires, and sang worship songs. They had three different speakers, all who brought something different from the heart of God. One night each child was individually prayed for as they launched their own candle into the creek. It was a wondrous time we will not forget. 
Summer Lunch Club
Every weekday this summer the neighborhood kids have been able to come to Dakota House and have lunch served to them. Irisa is always there to give them a hug and the backyard and clubhouse are open to them. Dakota House is their safe place and their home.
Everything we did this summer was supported by YOU,
the friends and supporters of Dakota House.
Thank you for your time, prayers, and finances.
the friends and supporters of Dakota House.
Thank you for your time, prayers, and finances.