Sunday, February 06, 2011

Dakota House Girls at Winter Camp

Thank you for your support that allowed us to take three of our youth group girls to Winter Camp at Calvin Crest. Sharnell, Vanessa, and Kyesha are full of stories about their time in the snowy mountains, and our leaders were grateful to see how God used that time to move in each of our girls.

Everything Vanessa, Kyesha, and Sharnell experienced was new to them; our staff leader Emily woke the girls up so they could see the early morning snow falling; none of them had ever seen anything like that before.

We continue to be grateful to Calvin Crest for providing a beautiful place in the mountains to take our kids, and for the welcome they receive there. And as always, we are grateful to our supporters for their partnership with us.

God has great plans for our Dakota House kids. Thank you for helping us show them there is a whole world past their neighborhood, and it is all open to them.