Let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light. Romans 13:12
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
It's Almost Time to go Camping...
Every year we load up several cars with kids and food and gear and head up to the mountains. The kids are full of wonder and amazed by everything; we are full of expectation, knowing God will provide us with adventure as well as opportunities to show the kids who He really is, and what He has for their lives.
From Friday to Sunday, the difficulties of the street and their homes are far away, and our kids are free to be children—playing in the creek, hiking, and singing around the campfire.
We have been doing this trip for over 15 years now. Sometimes I hear from kids long after they have grown and gone, and they tell me things they remember from that adventure. “I can still remember what you prayed for me” they say. Or “I didn’t think I could jump off that rock, but I did!
It is time again for our camping trip. Please consider sending a check to support this event. We are making every attempt to keep costs way down, but we will need money for gas in several vehicles, and food for 25 people for three days.
Thank you for your partnership with us. We thank God for our supporters.
Jamie Barker, Director
Mail checks to:
Dakota House
5132 N. Palm #62
Fresno CA 93704