Dakota House Girls Only 2008
We continue to love our girls, some of whom have been with us for several years now. We have new girls, too. It is still a small and intimate group: 13 girls, 3 leaders and 2 child care volunteers. Our group now includes mother and daughter Tiffany and Hannah, who are treasured answers to our prayer for help with the girls’ babies.
Thanks to the generosity of supporters, we have been taking the girls bowling at Fresno State on Sunday afternoons. None of the girls had ever set foot on a college campus before. They are wide-eyed at the thought that they could actually go to college. It is amazing to see them take it all in.
This summer we plan to take our girls to Outpost again. Outpost is a special place for us, located on the grounds of Calvin Crest. (see our girls on their website:
Calvin Crest has been good to us for many years. It is a valued relationship. They make it possible for us to bring girls there who would never be able to go to any camp at all.
We need to raise $175.00 for each girl to get to camp. The girls are working on raising as much money as they can: selling sodas at the park, making tamales and selling them, and approaching businesses to ask them to ‘adopt’ one girl and pay her way to camp.
I am making the same appeal to you. Please pray about making camp a possibility for a girl this summer. It is indescribable to see the transformation in a girl who leaves the neighborhood behind to discover the wonder of a week surrounded by nothing but believers and God’s beauty. It speaks to their hearts. It changes lives.
Please help us give these girls a wonderful gift. They know it comes from people who love Jesus, and therefore love them.
Jamie Barker, Director
Please send checks marked OUTPOST to:
Dakota House
5132 N. Palm #62
Fresno CA 93704