Every year at Dakota House we have a Christmas party. The kids go to the home of Brad and Jamie Barker (the director and her husband) where they sing Christmas carols to the passersby on Huntington Blvd, have pizza, homemade cookies and wassail, and just enjoy being together. Then we give the children gifts.
Since some of these children will not receive anything else for Christmas, we try to make it as special as possible. We would like for each child to be handed a small gift and a shoebox. This is where we need your help…
Please see the shoebox information below for instructions on how you can give a gift to a child who will hold in his or her hands a token of love prepared by you and your family.
May God be very near to your family this holiday season.
Christmas Shoebox Project
Fill a shoebox with treasures and bring joy to a needy child this Christmas.
Suggested Items:
{Your own ideas are welcome, too!}
No toy guns, knives, or candy that will melt. Food items must be individually wrapped.
caps/stocking hats
underwear/ t-shirts/ socks
small camera/film
gift certificates
gum/hard candy/suckers
nuts/sunflower seeds
pencils/pencil case/small notepads/ rulers/ erasers
pens/markers/colored pencils/crayons
hair accessories
shampoo/lotion/bath soap
bracelets/rings/ earrings/necklaces
wrist watch
small jewelry box
stuffed animals
computer games
play dough
Please wrap the lid and box separately and mark:
Boy • Girl
3-5 • 7-9 •10-12