Call us at 559-230-1622 so we may set up a delivery time.
Thank you for partnering with us.
Here is a list of needed items:
tuna/ pasta/ peanut butter/jelly/ mayonnaise/mustard/ketchup/ spaghetti sauce/ beans (canned or dry)/ rice/ macaroni and cheese/canned fruit/ pancake mix/syrup/ salt/pepper/ oatmeal/ canned vegetables/ bread/ rice-a-roni/ cereal/powdered milk/ canned/dry soup/ juice (bottled or boxed)/ baby food/ formula/ meat (fresh/frozen/lunch)/ eggs/cheese/milk/ fresh fruits and vegetables/ butter/light bulbs/ paper towels/ toilet paper/ shampoo/conditioner/ hand soap/dish soap/ laundry detergent/ diapers/ baby wipes/ cleaning products/ insect spray/ lice shampoo/ plastic garbage bags/ ziplock bags